CTU class was canceled due to technical problem...but...the videos that we should watch was
postponed to another time, after that, I went to Financial Unit to pay our electrical stuff...fuuuh,
I'm so tired since we were fasting.
Faqeehul Ummah
Hazrat Mufti Mahmood Hasan Gangohi Sahib
Rahmatullahi Alaihe
Some unacquainted people regard Taqleed as apostasy and they spread an atmosphere of malice and controversy amongst the Muslims and especially in the youngsters. Some Non Muqallid go as far as writing about it as polytheism. Hence, after one of our Deeni brothers read it out from a book in English and drew our attention towards it, a desire grew in my heart to make our youngsters aware of the significance of Taqleed in the Shari'ah. So that they do not become a prey to misunderstanding, divergence and confusion and so that they do not have a misconception regarding our Imams, that they had adopted a path which was detached from the Qur'aan and Ahadeeth. When in reality, after understanding the objective and the meaning of the Qur'aan and Sunnah, they simplified it into the form of Fiqha and Masa'il and then they offered it to the Ummah, which is in actual fact obeying the Qur'aan and Sunnah. For this reason, the Ummah owes a debt of gratitude to them, (May Allah reward them with the best of all rewards).
Therefore, concerning this, I found that the answers of Faqeehul-Ummah, Hazarat Sheikh, Sayyidi wa Murshidi, Mufti Mahmood Hasan, Gangohi rahmatullahi alaihe in Fatawa-e-Mahmoodia Vol.1, regarding the significance of Taqleed in the Shari'ah, to be sufficient and adequate.
I brought it to the attention of respected Molvi Mohammad Asad rahmatullahi alaihe, to render the English translation. Maasha-Allah, he translated it into English in a very short period of time with great care and effort. May Allah bless him with barakah in his knowledge and deeds and may he accept this current composition and make it beneficial for us and a treasure for us in the hereafter, Aameen.
(Mufti) Moosa bin Ahmad Badat (sahib)
Batley, U.K/
26, Safar 1420 A.H
What is the significance of Taqleed in Shari'ah and if Taqleed is important then why is the Taqleed of an individual considered so important? What is the harm in following one particular Imam for a certain mas’alah then following another Imam regarding something else? Why do the Ulama prevent this, even when the masaalik of all the four Imams are accepted?
The original source of guidance is the Qur'aan but generally it is the fundamental principles and Masa'il which are integrate precepts, stated in the Qur'aan. It was the duty of the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) to explain in full the details and particulars: 'To make clear the issues that were sent to the people.'
It is stated in the Qur'aan: 'Establish Salaah.' The full details concerning Salaah are related to us by the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) for instance, how many Rakaats there are in each Salaah? after which rakaat should qa'dah be performed? In which Rakaat is only Surah Fatiha read and in which rakaat is an additional Surah read? In which salaah is qira'at done loudly and when is it done quietly? etc. It is difficult to understand all this directly from the Qur'aan.
It is stated in the Qur'aan: ‘Pay Zakaah.' All the details on how the Zakaah is calculated on silver, gold, goats, cows, camels etc. have been found in the Ahadeeth. The Qur'aan has not mentioned anything in regard to this.
It is stated in the Qur'aan: 'And pilgrimage to the house is a duty unto Allah for mankind, for those who can.' The details on how Tawaaf should be done and how many rounds there are in one tawaaf, the Masa'il of Arafat, Mina, Muzdalifah and Rami etc, have all been explained by the prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam).
To understand the Qur'aan, it is firstly important to acquire the intelligence of Ahadeeth. It is impossible to understand the Qur'aan whilst neglecting Ahadeeth. The Ummah has been commanded to derive guidance from the Qur'aan under the explained instructions of the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam). In this respect, the obedience of the Prophet (Sallaho Alaihe Wassallam) means the obedience of Allah:
that make us know the people...to do something may make others people angry, sad or happy
even just because some little things, the sensitive people will touch,
so...why don't we just create relationship, surely not to be perfect,
we can trying the best for our best,
dear reader,
I'm realize that mankind is the best ever creation on the earth,
mankind also is the horrible creation on this world,
I think you may understand....